Bobby natalia

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10 Facts About The Founder of Bobby natalia!

I have got many new followers on Instagram recently and I always love learning more about who I’m following so I thought I would share some facts about myself with you!

  1. In high school I made YouTube videos about makeup and fashion. I had one video hit over 30,000 views! 

  2. YouTube led me to creating my own website/blog.

  3. The craziest and coolest thing I ever done is that I went zip lining in the jungle in Costa Rica.

  4. I’ve lived in Texas and Florida.

  5. I’m from Wisconsin and I love cheese but I don’t like cheese curds the texture is so weird I just can’t.

  6. I’m really good at making impromptu snacks. 

  7. I will drink a iced latte in -30 degrees.

  8. I love cop/detective shows.

  9. I used to hate country music now it’s one of my favorites.

  10. I’m in the works of creating my own business.

I’m so grateful for each and everyone of you! Thank you so much for following me