Bobby natalia

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My First Published Article!


⁣I was praying for so long in whether I should every talk about politics on social media.⁣

⁣It was something I was educating myself on for a while and really felt like it was something I wanted to talk about on here.⁣

⁣I grew up in a household where talking about politics at the dinner table was normal and still is to this day. ⁣

⁣I finally spoke up when I started seeing conservative voices and Christian companies were getting censored.

⁣I was extremely nervous to speak up on “controversial“ topics with my not so popular conservative viewpoint/opinion. ⁣

⁣God gave me this verse “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”- Romans 8:28 for 2020 and He has been so faithful to show me that! ⁣

⁣Also, I have this sign in my room that says “Oh Jesus make me bold” There was a day I was praying and I looked up at the sign and the first thing that came to my mind was your gonna have to be okay with being misunderstood. BE BOLD!⁣

⁣Now my exciting news to share!

⁣I’m a contributor writer for this publication The Conservateur and my first article went live today! ⁣

⁣Thank you The Conservateur for giving me a voice!⁣

⁣Check out my article called “Don’t Replace God with Government.”