Bobby natalia

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Lets Start Thinking Differently

There is so much going on in the world right now and it can be extremely overwhelming and exhausting, but you are not alone my friend.

I know many will say this isn’t about politics, but if we aren’t educating ourselves about what’s going on in politics we will never be informed enough to vote for the best candidates that we best see fit to make change in our country. Especially as a Christian I want to fight for Godly men and women to be in government who will uphold our freedoms, especially our freedoms of religion.

I have prayed for a while now not just in the last week, but for a very long time in whether I should talk about politics on here. I never felt it was the place, but my goal since day one has always been to encourage you and share the truth. ⁣⁣

In the last week or so I keep hearing many of the same messages from everyone including Christians share a lot of inaccurate information which has been very frustrating and overwhelming. I have been pausing a lot and trying to educate myself and many times saying I don’t agree with what someone is saying. As I have continued to pray about it I feel the Lord telling me two things IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU, BUT TELL THE TRUTH! ⁣

So I’m not on here asking to agree with what I believe in but I’m asking you start thinking for yourself. I believe you were created in the image of God and God gave you brain. So you do not have to agree with what everyone is saying just for the sake of following culture or to be politically correct. As a Christian I follow God not culture I’m not perfect in anyway, but I try my best everyday in being obedient to Him. ⁣

⁣So I’m on here to share some people I follow who have shared their incredible wisdom and insight on major issues going on today that is very different then what the main stream media is going to tell you. Their voices are being silenced because it doesn’t go along with the media narrative.

Candace Owens 

Brandon Tatum 

David J Harris Jr. 

Allie Beth Stuckey 

Anna Paulina Luna 

Charlie Kirk

Derrick Gradenigo 

Zoe Sozo Bethel

PragerU Organization 

Will Witt

Turning Point USA student movement 

Larry Elder


Benny Johnson

I highly recommend you follow them and listen to what they have to say. Much of what they are sharing is not their opinion but real facts and data to back up what they are talking about.⁣ You don’t have to like what they are saying but the truth is the TRUTH! 

I’m forever learning but I refuse to be brainwashed by the media and I want that for you as well.⁣


“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.”- 1 Corinthians 13:6