Bobby natalia

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Practical Makeup Tips That You Can Actually Apply To Your Makeup Routine!


One of my biggest goals with Bobby natalia is giving you actual practical tips that you can take away and apply to your makeup routine. Here are 5 of the best makeup tips that I have received and learned over the years. Hope these tips help you to improve your makeup skills and rock your ever look this 2019!                     

1. Apply your eyeshadow before your face makeup so you do not ruin your face makeup. After applying your eyeshadow use a makeup wipe to wipe underneath your eyes to get rid of the eyeshadow that fell off in the process of doing your eyeshadow.

2. Use a sponge to apply your foundation it is 10x easier than a brush and the application is simply so much smoother. My favorite sponge is this one.

3. Apply a moisturizer or primer before your foundation because you need the foundation to stick something and not just your bare skin it will slide right off. If you have super oily skin I recommend using a primer I have dry skin so I use a moisturizer. Using either a moisturizer or primer you will notice a difference in how long your foundation last throughout the day. Play around to see what works best for your skin. For specific names of primers and moisturizers click here to a pervious blog post that I wrote.

4. Use an eyelash curler before applying mascara it makes a huge difference and really opens up your eyes.

5. When using a powder to set your face makeup it can be hard to find the correct shade especially if you are using drug store products. Instead of trying to find the correct shade get the shade translucent it is designed to match anyone’s skin tone because it is white and when you blend it out you will never notice that it is white.